Events - Park O.

This page is for the Park-O public courses. There are more public courses on the MapRunner page.

The club has free permanent orienteering courses available to the public. You can choose to explore any course at your own risk. If you have a mobile phone with camera you can use the iOrienteering App to time your run by scanning the QR codes at the control points.

To use a Park-O course.

To use the iOrienteering app to time your run.

  • Download and install the free iOrienteering app from your phones App Store.
  • Start the iOrienteering app and follow the onscreen instructions
    • Scan the course details QR code on page 2 of the course map
    • When you are at the start point scan the Start QR code
    • Follow the course on the map, scanning the QR code at each control point
    • When you reach the end of the course scan the End QR code
  • Help and Suggestions for scanning the QR codes is [here]

Maps & Courses

  • The maps are drawn using orienteering colours and symbols. Study the map legends taking special note of the more dangerous (impassable, uncrossable) features on the map.
  • The 'North' lines on the maps point to Magnetic north.
  • Shortened map legends are included with each maps instructions or you can download [Sprint map legend] and [Std. map legend] full legends.
  • 'Line' courses  - follow a set course, visiting control points in the order listed on the map. Determine your own best route from the map. The line shows the direction to the next control point, not the route you should take. Do not follow the line between the control points.
  • 'Score' courses - visit the control points in any order, earning points, within a time limit.

GUTHRIE-SMITH MAPS. (Updated: 3 January 2025)

The Guthrie-Smith Arboretum is open only on Sundays from late October to May

  • Maps of the Guthrie-Smith Arboretum, 3561 State Highway 2, Tutira.
  • All courses start at a style opposite the Outdoor Education Centre.
  • The maps at scale 1:5000 are easier to read and easier courses.
  • Course lengths on these maps are the estimated lengths of the 'best' route.

Line Courses - map scale 1:5000

Line Courses - map scale 1:7500

Score Course

  • [Score] -Visit as many control points as you can within the 2.5 hour time limit.


SLEEPING GIANT MAPS. (Updated: 9 February 2024)

  • Maps of the lower half of Te Mata Park, Havelock North.
  • 'M' courses start and finish at the Main Gates car park on Te Mata Peak Rd.
  • 'T' courses start and finish at the old park boundary on the track in from the Tauroa Rd. car park.
  • Even numbered courses are the reverse of odd numbered courses.
  • Course lengths on these maps are the estimated lengths of the 'best' route.

Line Courses

Score Courses

  • [SG-MS], [SG-TS] -Visit as many control points as you can within the 1 hour time limit.



TE MATA PARK MAPS. (Updated: 10 January 2022)

  • Maps of Te Mata Park, Havelock North.
  • These courses have more difficult navigation and more climb than the courses on the 'Sleeping Giant' map.
  • Be careful, there are impassable cliffs and very steep terrain on these course.
  • 'M' courses start and finish at the Main Gates car park on Te Mata Peak Rd.
  • 'T' courses start and finish at the park boundary on the track from Tauroa Rd. car park.
  • Even numbered courses are the reverse of odd numbered courses.
  • Course lengths on these maps are the straight line distance. You will travel further than that even on the best route.

Line Courses

Score Courses

  • [TMP-MS], [TMP-TS] -Visit as many control points as you can within the 90 minutes time limit.
